100년이 넘는 긴 역사를 이어온 FRANKE 스위스 명품 기계 수공업 제품을 만들기 시작하여 세계적인 주방 가전 회사의 대명사가 된 FRANKE
MODEL MRX 110-34
구분 |
내용 |
Type of Material |
Stainless Steel |
Cabinet Size |
400mm |
Waste Outlet Diameter |
Length overall |
380mm |
Witdh overall |
440mm |
Length of large bowl |
340mm |
Width of large bowl |
400mm |
Depth of large bowl |
180mm |
Cutout Legnth |
Cutout Width |
Number of Bowls |
1ea |
Cut-Out Templete |
Tap Hole |
0ea |
Cutout radius |
R10 |
MODEL MRX 110-45
구분 |
내용 |
Type of Material |
Stainless Steel |
Cabinet Size |
550mm |
Waste Outlet Diameter |
Length overall |
490mm |
Witdh overall |
440mm |
Length of large bowl |
450mm |
Width of large bowl |
400mm |
Depth of large bowl |
180mm |
Cutout Legnth |
450mm |
Cutout Width |
400mm |
Number of Bowls |
1ea |
Cut-Out Templete |
Tap Hole |
0ea |
Cutout radius |
R10 |
MODEL MRX 110-50
구분 |
내용 |
Type of Material |
Stainless Steel |
Cabinet Size |
600mm |
Waste Outlet Diameter |
Length overall |
540mm |
Witdh overall |
440mm |
Length of large bowl |
500mm |
Width of large bowl |
400mm |
Depth of large bowl |
180mm |
Cutout Legnth |
Cutout Width |
Number of Bowls |
1ea |
Cut-Out Templete |
Tap Hole |
0ea |
Cutout radius |
R10 |
MODEL MRX 110-70
구분 |
내용 |
Type of Material |
Stainless Steel |
Cabinet Size |
800mm |
Waste Outlet Diameter |
3 1/2 inch |
Length overall |
740mm |
Witdh overall |
440mm |
Length of large bowl |
700mm |
Width of large bowl |
400mm |
Depth of large bowl |
180mm |
Cutout Legnth |
Cutout Width |
Number of Bowls |
1ea |
Cut-Out Templete |
Tap Hole |
0ea |
Cutout radius |
R10 |