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100년이 넘는 긴 역사를 이어온 FRANKE 스위스 명품 기계 수공업 제품을 만들기 시작하여 세계적인 주방 가전 회사의 대명사가 된 FRANKE


      MODEL OYX 210-36

      구분 내용
      Type of Material Stainless Steel
      Cabinet Size
      Waste Outlet Diameter
      Length overall 450mm
      Witdh overall 410mm
      Length of large bowl 360mm
      Width of large bowl 400mm
      Depth of large bowl 200mm
      Cutout Legnth
      Cutout Width
      Number of Bowls 1ea
      Cut-Out Templete
      Tap Hole 0ea
      Cutout radius R12

      MODEL OYX 210-65

      구분 내용
      Type of Material Stainless Steel
      Cabinet Size
      Waste Outlet Diameter 4 1/2 inch
      Length overall 755mm
      Witdh overall 450mm
      Length of large bowl 650mm
      Width of large bowl 410mm
      Depth of large bowl 200mm
      Cutout Legnth
      Cutout Width
      Number of Bowls 1ea
      Cut-Out Templete
      Tap Hole 0ea
      Cutout radius R12